Guest Post Guidelines
Become a travel writer with Written From Travel. Pitch us your travel articles, photo essays, or short films! For guest posts we are looking for creative, insightful and impactful travel works based on your own personal experiences. We will not accept article ideas if you, yourself, have not been to the destination.
Using the form below, please submit your pitch with a working title and a couple of paragraphs explaining your idea and introducing yourself. If you have any examples of previous work please include them in the form.
We’re happy to publish short and long-form articles, although – generally – we would publish articles with a minimum word count of 1000 words.
If you are submitting photo essays or cinematography, please include a short written accompaniment that is minimum 500 words.
We ask for a preliminary Written From… [location] signature, however we understand that this may be subject to change.
Copyright Terms
By submitting your works to Written From Travel, you adhere to the following Contributor Terms which take effect immediately upon acceptance of your pitch:
1. Contributors retain copyright of their works
2. Written From Travel withholds copyright of the unique Written From signature associated with every work, which is not freely available for reproduction.
3. Contributors grant the following rights to Written From Travel:
i. exclusivity for the publication of the works contributed
ii. a worldwide non-exclusive, royalty-free, irrevocable, sub-licensable license to:
a. edit, amend or translate contributed works as we may consider appropriate;
b. reproduce contributed works in any of our publications; and
c. reproduce contributed works for commercial purposes, of which contributors will be notified;
d. reporduce the title, format and author information of contributed works;
e. reproduce the works and author information, including images, for publicity and marketing purposes
4. Written From Travel is not obliged to publish contributed works following acceptance of a pitch. If a work is rejected, of which contributors will be notified, the terms outlined in sections 1, 2 and 3 will not be applicable
5. Written From Travel reserves the right to place Google Ads in any contributed works